Revision 790c859d0ab9c04e98cccba40da28a24cd1d4b45 (click the page title to view the current version)


Changes from beginning to 790c859d0ab9c04e98cccba40da28a24cd1d4b45

title: OpenAI Services

Two interfaces:

+ OpenAI [ChatGPT](
    + Depends on a plugin in your AI.
    + Helps you complete code.
    + Not perfect - you still need to verify and test the code.
+ [github copilot](
    + Chat interface.
    + Stateful - responses are based on the entire conversation and not
      just the last question.
    + Currently causing concern for school teachers:
        + [News article 7 Dec 2022]( (in Norwegian, sorry)

# Main Task

+ At the end of the session, you should have answered the following:
    + Some examples of usage where OpenAI really impresses you.
    + Some examples of usage where OpenAI utterly fails.
    + How will operational systems like OpenAI impact on your life as a 
      computer professional?

# Questions

+ Initial review:
    + What can OpenAI do?
    + What remains beyond its capabilities?
+ What does the future bring?
    + Can OpenAI replace you as a programmer?
    + What roles can OpenAI replace?
    + Given that OpenAI exists, what do we still have to do as human 
+ What does this mean for education?
    + What should the exam be like when OpenAI is available?
    + What skills should the students be examined in?
    + Which skills are redundant because