Revision 0696d6956f8cfceab3ee93b628f1be7d94ffaf2c (click the page title to view the current version)

Optimisation and GA

Changes from 0696d6956f8cfceab3ee93b628f1be7d94ffaf2c to 7412d2d977fa676cff6583ccb2ad031090606c1d

title: Optimisation and GA
categories: session

# Reading

The textbook chapters are available at BlackBoard.

+ Haupt and Haput Chapter 1 (cursory)
    + we will not dwell on the various optimisation algorithms discussed here
    + the general background is important though
+ Haupt and Haput Chapter 2 
    + The main point here is the binary GA, which is summarised as Matlab code
      at the end of the chapter
    + There are many variants of each constituent step, including cross-over,
      matchmaking, and mutation

# Briefing

+ Optimisation is a general problem
    - intelligent agents optimise actions 
    - functions are optimised in all kinds of decision making
+ Two classic approaches
    - exhaustive approaches - exploritng the entire solution space is rarely tractible
    - iteratively improving a tentative solution is easily stuck in local maxima
+ Population based methods
    - multiple tentative solutions scattered over the search space
    - many variants
+ Most basic - look up R&N
+ Genetic algorithms

# Exercises