--- title: Adversarial Search --- # Reading R&N Chapter 6 + The fundamental concept is **two-player, zero-sum games** + The basic solution technique is **minimax search** + Minimax search grows exponentially + heuristic searches are important (Section 6.3) # Briefing # Exercise ## Tic Tac Toe + [Code from github](https://github.com/hgeorgsch/pai-exercises/tree/main/TicTacToe) I was not able to find suitable exercises on CodinGame, so instead, I have provided a simulator for you. You should 1. Clone the git repo, `git clone https://github.com/hgeorgsch/pai-exercises.git` 2. Change to the `TicTacToe` subdirectory 3. Modify the template to implement your intelligent agent. You should use the minimax algorithm as described for two-player, zero sum games. 4. Play the game, using the test scripts: `python3 ttt.py` 5. Consult the README file for details. This assumes that you have git and python3 installed.