--- title: IE502014 Artificial Intelligence - Overview --- The following plan is tentative, based on last year's plan. There will be changes, but the rough outline will remain. | Session | Topic | Reading | Keywords | | :- | :- | :- | :- | | 1 | [Introduction]() 12 January 2023 | R&N Ch. 1 | What is intelligence? Is AI possible? | | 2 | [Rational Agents]() | R&N Ch. 2 | Instrumental reason, practical reason, etc. | | 3 | [Search]() | R&N Ch. 3.1-3.4 | Search and Problem Solving| | 4 | [Heuristic Search]() | R&N Ch. 3.5-3.7 | Heuristic Search | | 5 | [Complex Environments]() | R&N Ch. 4 | Local Search, Partional Information etc. | | 6 | [Adversarial Search]() | R&N Ch. 6 | Game Theory | | - | Midterm | | 20-24 February - own work | | 7 | [Optimisation and GA]() | H&H Chapter 1-2 | Genetic Algoritms| | 8 | [Continuous GA]() | H&H Chapter 3-4 | Genetic Algoritms| | 9 | [Game Theory]() | | Game Theory, Simulation, Genetic Algorithm | | 10 | [Machine Learning and Statistics](ML) | R&N Chapter 19 | | | 11 | [Reinforcement Learning 1]() | R&N Chapter 16 | | | - | Easter | | 3-10 April - holiday | | 12 | [Reinforcement Learning 2]() | R&N Chapter 23 | | | 13 | [Reinforcement Learning 3]() | R&N Chapter 16/23 | | | 14 | [AI Ethics]() 27 April 2023| | Implementation of ethical constraints | Considering + Limits of AI - a review of ChatGPT and github copilot + R&N Chapter 7: Logical Agents + R&N Chapter 12: Acting under Uncertainty # Key topics 1. Ethics. 1. What is intelligence? - what is artificial intelligence? - is artificial intelligence at all possible? 2. Concerns about AI 3. Machine Morality 2. Intelligence Agents - Search and Optimisation 3. Evolutionary Algorithms *Note* There are other modules on machine learning, so this remains out of scope.