Eight-point algorithm (Lecture)

Eight-Point Algorithm

At least eight pairs of points \((\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2)\) (from stereo view).
The essential matrix \(E\) (or rather an estimate)
Main Principle
Epipolar Constraint \(\mathbf{x}_2^TE\mathbf{x}_1 = 0\)


  • The epipolar constraint is a linear equation, but it is written in an unusual form, with the unknown \(E\) in the middle.
    • We know \(\mathbf{x}_i\), and want to solve for \(E\).
    • Note if \(E\) is a solution, then \(c\cdot E\) is a solution for any \(c\in\mathbb{R}\)
  • Up to nine unknowns in the \(3\times3\) matrix \(E\), but one is the indeterminable \(c\).
    • Scaling up all distances by the same factor gives the same solution
  • Step 1. Rewrite the constraint in a more regular format.
  • Step 2. Formulate a system of linear equations using eight pairs of points.
    • Eight pairs of points give eight equations

Kronecker product

  • Serialisation of a matrix: \((\cdot)^s\) maps a \(3\times 3\) matrix into a 9-dimensional vector.
    • You can scan row by row or column by column; and seriously, Matlab does it one way and Python (numpy) the other.
    • Numpy method: .flatten()
    • You need to be consistent, and it is worth running a test to see what your system does.
  • Kronecker product: \(\bigotimes\)
    • \(\vec{a}\bigotimes \vec{b} = (\vec{a}\vec{b}^\mathrm{T})^s\)
  • Rewrite the epipolar constraint: \[(\mathbf{x}_1\bigotimes\mathbf{x}_2)^TE^s = 0\]
    • Note: one equation in nine unknowns,

Preparing for the eight-point algorithm

  • Each point of pairs gives rise to a nine-dimensional vector: \[\mathbf{a} = \mathbf{x}_1\bigotimes\mathbf{x}_2\]
    • view it as a column
  • The epipolar constraint is \(\mathbf{a}^\mathrm{T}\cdot E^s = 0\).
  • This gives a matrix equation \(\chi\cdot E^s=0\) where \[\chi = [\mathbf{a}_1, \mathbf{a}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{a}_n]^T\]
  • We can solve \(\chi E^s = 0\) for \(E^s\).
    • With eight points, we have unique solutions up to a scalar factor.
  • With additional points, we can minimise the squared errors
    • \(\min_E ||\chi E^s||^2\)
    • i.e. eigenvector of \(\chi^T\chi\) of smallest eigenvalue
    • (this is a general approach to solve linear systems of equations with noise)
  • The scale ambiguity is intrinsic.
    • The distance \(||T||\) cannot be determined from the images

Projection onto the essential space

The solution is not necessarily a valid essential matrix, but we can project onto the space of such matrices and correct the sign to get positive determinant.

  • Write \(F\) for the solution of \(\chi E^s=0\). This is called the fundamental matrix
  • Write \(F = U\Sigma_FV^T\) for the
    singular value decomposition
    • \(\Sigma_F\) is a diagonal matrix
    • \(U\) and \(V\) are orthogonal matrices (assuming they are real)
    • canonical decomposition with the entries on \(\Sigma_F\) in descending order
    • use an API to compute
  • Use \(E=U\Sigma V^T\) for the essential matrix, where
    • \(\Sigma=\mathsf{diag}(1,1,0)\)

Recover the transform from the essential matrix

\[ \begin{cases} (\hat T_1,R_1) &= (UR_Z(+\frac\pi2)\Sigma U^T, UR_Z(+\frac\pi2)V^T) \\ (\hat T_2,R_2) &= (UR_Z(-\frac\pi2)\Sigma U^T, UR_Z(-\frac\pi2)V^T) \end{cases} \] where \[R_Z(+\frac\pi2) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \] is a rotation by \(\pi/2\) radians around the \(z\)-axis.

  • Four solutions
    • Two solutions \(\pm F\) to the equation \(\chi E^s=0\)
    • Two poses from each candidate matrix
    • Only one of the four solutions is in front of both cammeras


Number of points.

  • \((R,T)\) only has five degrees of freedom when \(T\) is determined up to a scalar factor.
  • thus five points suffices in theory
  • \(\mathsf{det}(E)=0\) removes one degree of freedom
  • linear algorithm exists for six points


General position We have to assume linear independence in the equation \(\chi E^s=0\)

Sufficient parallax If \(T=0\), then \(E=0\), hence the algorithm requires \[T\neq0\] The algorithm may work even if \(T=0\), due to noise, but the resulting estimate for \(T\) (direction) would be meaningless.


  • Infinitesimal viewpoint change, see Section 5.4
  • Multiple motion, see Chapter 7

Scale ambiguity (Ma (2004) Section 5.2.2)

  • Depth scales \(\lambda_1,\lambda_2\) (for each object point)
  • Motion scale \(\gamma=||T||\)

\[\lambda_2^j\mathbf{x}_2^j = \lambda_1^jR\mathbf{x}_2^j + \gamma T\]

  • Recall that the scale ambiguity is intrinsic
  • \(\gamma\) cannot be determined from the images

Optimal pose in the presence of noise

Reading Ma (2004) Section 5.2.3

  • Noise is everywhere - Two problems:
    • error in \((R,T)\)
    • no consistent 3D reconstruction from noisy image points
  • The epipolar constraint assumes ideal co-ordinates
    • but applied to noisy measurements
  • Two approaches
    1. Maximum likelihood
    2. Minimal sum of squared errors
  • We only discuss option 2.

Optimal Pose

Consider an observed point \(\tilde{\textbf{x}}^j=(\tilde x^j_1, \tilde x^j_2, \tilde x^j_3)\) and an unknown true point \(\textbf{x}^j=( x^j_1, x^j_2, x^j_3)\). The corresponding 3D point is \(\textbf{X}^j\).

  • Observations \(\tilde x_i^j\)
  • Independent variables \(x_i^j,R,T\)
  • Sum of squared errors \[\phi(\mathrm{X}^j,R,T) = \sum_j ||w_1^j||^2 + ||w_2^j||^2 = \sum_j|| \tilde x_1^j-x_1^j||^2 + ||\tilde x_2^j-x_2^j||^2 = \sum_j|| \tilde x_1^j-\pi_1(\textbf{X}^j)||^2 + ||\tilde x_2^j-\pi_2(\textbf{X}^j)||^2\]

Task \[\min_{\textbf{X}^j}\phi(\mathrm{X}^j,R,T) = \sum_j\sum_{i\in\{1,2\}} ||w_i^j||^2\] under the conditions that \[ x_2^j\hat TR x_1^j = 0\] and \[x_1^{jT}e_3 = 1\quad\text{for } i=1,2, j=1,2,\ldots,n\]

  • Lagrangian optimisation

Goal find image point pairs which minimise the reprojection error for that particular object point. (Structure Triangulation)