Revision e03e3da37e548c1c71c8d073a7f8e2cd7207ae8c (click the page title to view the current version)

Questions for Discussion

Under construction

Please refer to the Reading List for links and references.

What if the machines take control?

R&N:51 call this a design paper.

Can it be avoided under bounded rationality?

Note that design is an evolution, and final goals cannot be predicted.

Reading (in order of priority)

  1. R&N (Sec. 1.5).
  2. Schaathun (2022)
  3. Dick: Do androids dream of electric sheep?
  4. Simon (1996:Ch. 6)

Can machines think?

Debate: two students to argue yes and two students to argue no

Reading (in order of priority)

  1. Epstein (2009:Chapters 1 and 3)
  2. Weizenbaum (1976:Chapter 10)
  3. Heinlein: The Moon is a harsh Mistress