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Tensorflow for Reinformcement Learning

Slides rl-3.pdf

Task 1 - Tensorflow/Keras

We will start today with getting used to tensorflow/keras, you can also adapt the exercises to pytorch or similar if prefered (but code-examples will be given in tensorflow).

First, install tensorflow:

We will only be using the Keras API, you can find the documentation here

Verify in python with:

Part A - Perceptron

We can make a single perceptron with keras like this:

and do a forward propagation with:

Furthermore, we can get and set the current weights with:

Tasks/Questions - Test out different values for the weight and bias - How do you forward-propogate multiple values at once? - Can you plot the graph for some range of inputs?

Task 2 - Q-Values from an ANN

We still want to work with Q-values, meaning that we would like some value for all possible actions as output from our neural network. Our FrozenLake environment has 4 possible actions, and we already know the q-values for all possible states, making it easy to fit a neural network.

Part A - Creating a network

The following code will create a neural network that inputs a state (one value) and outputs 4 values (one for each action), it will also assume 16 possible states (0-15):

Answer the following:

  • What does the x_data look like (data type, contents, structure)? This will be used as network input, that is, each element should be a state.
  • What is the design (structure) of this neural network? Look primarily on the lined defining model.

The normalizer (which is defined after x_data) scales the input so that all features have the same magnitude.

The model.compile statement defines the optimiser algorithm (tuning the weights) and the loss function (defining the cost of current errors).


Part B - Training

As we already have Q-Values, let us train the network on the data:

  • y_data is the Q-table in the format we have used before. Rows correspond to states and columns to actions.
  • trains the network
  • model(x_data) applies the network to predict the Q-values for each state in x_data.

Discuss/answer the following.

  • Test out the forward propagation, are the values similar to what you expect from a Q-table?
  • Plot the utility given optimal play. (Do this manually if you do not instantly see how to program it.)

Part C - FrozenLake

Given the model trained above and an optimal policy (argmax of output), can you move around the environment/solve the problem?

Task 3 - DQN

Given exercises from last week, we now only need an implementation of a replay-buffer to implement a DQN (Deep Q-network) agent. The replay-buffer needs two methods, one to store experiences (state, action, reward, next_state), and one to sample from the replay-buffer.

Implement these two methods

Task 4 - MountainCar

Until now we have been working on the FrozenLake environment. Try to solve the MountainCar environment using techniques we have learned in this course.

I will update this page with a DQN-solution later (hopefully before the end of the day).