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4 matches found for Help

  1. Introduction (3 matching lines)
    I am best placed to help you with python.
          Help Kirk and Spock destroy the mountains... Save the enterprise!
          So help us find the closest defibrillator from a given position
  2. Rational Agents (2 matching lines)
    time on the algorithmic problems below, and ask for help.
          Help Kirk and Spock destroy the mountains... Save the enterprise!
  3. Introductory Lecture (2 matching lines)
    + I will be available most of the exercise time to help and discuss,
    The treatment might help one disease and cause another.  
  4. Search (1 matching lines)
        + You need to help Marvin and his clones (or is it the other way round?) reach the exit in order to help them escape the inside of the Infinite Improbability Drive.