Revision 4d2407e0fbd139c4fd757c9065aacaf4d0adf375 (click the page title to view the current version)

Image Formation

Changes from 4d2407e0fbd139c4fd757c9065aacaf4d0adf375 to 388edfd916973c463e0bce9c525cedf756f4fdac

title: Image Formation
categories: session

> Vision is the inverse problem of image formation

- perspective

# Briefing

## The Eye Model

![Eye Model from *Introduction to Psychology* by University of Minnesota](Images/eye.jpg)

+ An image of the real world is projected on the Retina.
+ Modern Cameras (more or less) replicate the Eye Model.

## Image Representation 

![The Mandrill Test Image (public domain)](Images/mandrill.png)

![Grey Scale version of Mandrill (public domain)](Images/mandrill-grey.png)

The Retina, or image sensor, is able to sense the projected rays.

A fine grid of sensors or perceptive cells is able to measure, or sample,
the light intensity falling upon it.

Let's have a look at the resulting data, using the popular
mandrill image shown to the right.

import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

im = cv.imread("mandrill-grey.png")

Now, we have loaded the image as the object `im`.
Firstly, we observe that this is a matrix.

array([[[ 76,  76,  76],
        [ 60,  60,  60],
        [ 68,  68,  68],
        [ 90,  90,  90],
        [ 97,  97,  97],
        [ 96,  96,  96]],

       [[ 83,  83,  83],
        [ 72,  72,  72],
        [ 77,  77,  77],
        [ 99,  99,  99],
        [ 87,  87,  87],
        [106, 106, 106]],

       [[ 51,  51,  51],
        [ 75,  75,  75],
        [117, 117, 117],
        [ 99,  99,  99],
        [ 81,  81,  81],
        [ 88,  88,  88]],


       [[139, 139, 139],
        [140, 140, 140],
        [136, 136, 136],
        [ 92,  92,  92],
        [ 96,  96,  96],
        [ 78,  78,  78]],

       [[131, 131, 131],
        [144, 144, 144],
        [138, 138, 138],
        [ 85,  85,  85],
        [ 98,  98,  98],
        [ 90,  90,  90]],

       [[109, 109, 109],
        [102, 102, 102],
        [109, 109, 109],
        [ 57,  57,  57],
        [ 67,  67,  67],
        [ 69,  69,  69]]], dtype=uint8)

In [56]: im.shape
Out[56]: (128, 128, 3)

A little confusingly, this matrix has three dimensions, as if it
were a colour (RGB) image.  Since it is grey scale, we only need
one $128\times128$ matrix.  As we see above, the three values in each
tripple are equal so we can take one arbitrary plane from the matrix.

array([[ 76,  60,  68, ...,  90,  97,  96],
       [ 83,  72,  77, ...,  99,  87, 106],
       [ 51,  75, 117, ...,  99,  81,  88],
       [139, 140, 136, ...,  92,  96,  78],
       [131, 144, 138, ...,  85,  98,  90],
       [109, 102, 109, ...,  57,  67,  69]], dtype=uint8)

In [59]:

This is the **first representation** of a grey scale image, as
an $n\times m$ matrix.

OpenCV provides the functions to show the image as an image.
This is the **second representation** of the image.

In [60]: cv.imshow("mandrill grey", im)

In [61]: cv.waitKey(1)
Out[61]: -1

![3D surface plot of the image signal](Images/mandrill-plot.png)
![3D surface plot of the image signal](Images/mandrill-plot.svg)

The matrix can also be read as a signal, sampling
values $I(x,y)$ for different values of $x$ and $y$.
This gives the **third representation**, as a 3D 
surface plot.

In [7]: plt.ion()
Out[7]: <matplotlib.pyplot._IonContext at 0x7fb5737006d0>

In [8]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"})

In [9]: xn,yn = im.shape

In [10]: xn,yn
Out[10]: (128, 128)

In [11]: X,Y=np.meshgrid(range(xn),range(yn))

In [12]: X
array([[  0,   1,   2, ..., 125, 126, 127],
       [  0,   1,   2, ..., 125, 126, 127],
       [  0,   1,   2, ..., 125, 126, 127],
       [  0,   1,   2, ..., 125, 126, 127],
       [  0,   1,   2, ..., 125, 126, 127],
       [  0,   1,   2, ..., 125, 126, 127]])

In [13]: Y
array([[  0,   0,   0, ...,   0,   0,   0],
       [  1,   1,   1, ...,   1,   1,   1],
       [  2,   2,   2, ...,   2,   2,   2],
       [125, 125, 125, ..., 125, 125, 125],
       [126, 126, 126, ..., 126, 126, 126],
       [127, 127, 127, ..., 127, 127, 127]])

In [14]: ax.plot_surface(X,Y,im)
Out[14]: <mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection at 0x7fb52cd8ad00>

Observant readers may notice that the plot is upside down compared
to the image.  This is because, conventionally, $(0,0)$ is the
top left hand pixel, while a plot would usually place $(0,0)$ at the lower
left hand side.

## Thin Lens Model

### The Focus Point

![Burning Glass from *College Physics* by OpenStax College](Images/sun.jpg)

![Diagram of Lens Focus Point from *College Physics* by OpenStax College](Images/lens.jpg)

+ A convex lens collect, or focus, parallel rays into a single focus point.
+ This works as a burning glass.
    - The sun is so far away that the sun rays are parallel for all 
      practical purposes.
+ Definitions
    - **Optical Axis** is the line perpendicular on the lens,
      through its centre.
    - The **Focus** is a point on the Optical Axis.  Rays which enter the
      lense parallel to the optical axis are deflected so that they intersect
      at the Focus.
    - **Focal Length** is the distance between the lens and the Focus.
      (We ignore the thickness of the lens.)
    - The **Focal Plane** is a plane through the Focus, perpendicular
      on the Optical Axis.

### The Image Plane

+ The image plane
    - non-parallel rays
+ The thin lens equation
+ Points further away
+ The aperture

## The pinhole model

+ Reference frame
+ Co-ordinates

## Geometry of Image Formation

# Exercises

# Debrief

# Credits

[Introduction to Psychology](
by University of Minnesota is licensed under a
[Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](, except where otherwise noted.

[*College Physics*](
Authored by: OpenStax College.
[CC BY: Attribution](
License Terms: Located at License